Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Generation

Time to start thinking about replacing/adding to the laying flock. After the loss of 17 prime laying hens to the unknown dog, I have to get going on replacing the layers. I have 4 new chicks I incubated last month - but that is not going to cut it...and I have another 16 eggs in the incubator for a January 26 hatch date, but I am going to have to order another 50 chicks from an outside vendor. I have 4 breeding hens and 3 roosters here at the house to provide me with the fertilized eggs for my incubator. Pictured here is the Buff Cochin rooster, he loves to follow us around the yard, as he was doing during yesterdays walk. The other two roosters are a Jersey Giant and Barr Rock.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Rooster.. we'll have to keep him in mind for the "Chick-n-Dale" calender.. he'd make a nice July or August :) Sorry about the loss .. wish you could make that "unknown" dog a "known"! Hope all else is well your way.
