Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cotton Candy

Every year I get treated to the beauty of my Japanese cherries. I have two, one regular and one weeping. Sometimes their blooming coincides, though not this year. The weeping cherry is just getting started, but the regular cherry looks like a big puff of cotton candy.

If it sets cherries, (though Mother Nature is about to pitch us a fast ball, with temps below freezing and snow for Monday and Tuesday) which are not edible by humans, I can depend on the Cedar Waxwings and Cardinals to come and gobble them all up when ripe. That's about the same time they are wiping out the mulberries.

Spring is popping up everywhere now, the perennial flowers are starting to show some green. My russian sage, echinacia, bee balm, hostas, tiger lilies, hollyhocks, betony, agastache and even my false prairie indigo are up. And one of my spring favorites, the peony is up a good 6 to 12 inches.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tricia,
    I didn't know the weather was going to get so bad here! Your tree is beautiful
