Wow. It sure has been a long time since I have been here. Sorry for that. I have just been so darn busy I have not done much Internet stuff at all except posting on the Facebook group. Well, the season has been moving along - at a pace faster than a speeding bullet it seems like. We are in our 13th week of our CSA, and will be expanding next year to 200 shares. Holy cow (your are saying to yourself...), that is a lot of shares. But we are adding three more farms to our CSA in order to grow and feed more people locally - a win win for our local farmers and our local consumers. We are really excited. We added cooking to our repertoire at Earth Mother Market on Wednesdays, and are looking into renting a commercial kitchen space to continue that trend year round. I have folks clamoring for our freshly roasted coffee, and want to get back to catering and private chef services to round out the farm income. For those of you who don't know, I resigned my position of almost 10 years to make the farm my full time occupation.
Some of the goodies now in our CSA shares
The one bad thing I can say is it is way to hot and humid for my tastes. I made a quick trip back home to Vermont a couple weeks ago and was reminded of how tolerable the summers are up there! This week promises more of the hot and humid, every day in the 90's with a heat index of over a 100 and humidity up in the 70's where just moving causes profuse sweating. Uggh. The pigs live in the pond - up to their piggy snouts in water and mud. See, pigs are smart (plus, they cannot sweat so to live they must keep cool, hence the water and mud). Well that's it for today - lots of canning to do. Hopefully, I'll get back soon.