Monday, February 22, 2010

Duck, Duck...Chickens!

So much going on! Not enough hours in the day to do everything - or report everything. When last we met, we were snow bound and wild bird scouting....onto the domestic birds! I have been keeping up on things - but more so through my Facebook page, with daily little tidbits. But I need to do better here -and so I will! For those of you who might want daily (almost) tidbits, follow us on Facebook at: Napoleon Ridge Farm

Last weekend I attended the OEFFA conference in Granville, OH, just outside Columbus, OH. That was a wonderful experience. In addition to spending time with some of the most important people in my life, the seminars were (for the most part) amazing. While there, Gretchen, from Greensleeve's Farm bought two ducks and three chicks, which I am babysitting until they get about 6 weeks. The ducks are so funny - they LOVE water, so I have built them a little water complex, a few pictures here of their bathing so Gretchen can check them out.

Getting their feet wet.

Then getting everything else wet!

Gretchen's three chicks.

My five new chicks, hatched Sunday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cardinal Rules!

With all this snow, the feeder is covered(!) with birds. There are so many cardinals, I can't count them all. In addition, the robins and catbirds are around, and they are the reason I leave the crabapples on the trees over winter, as they have been eating that fruit non stop in this weather.
Also spotted yesterday at the feeder was a red-winged black bird, grackles and starlings and tufted titmice, red finches, gold finches, rufous sided towhees. Also german sparrow, chipping sparrow, and song sparrows. And of course, the chickadees, nuthatches, carolina wren, downy and red bellied woodpeckers.

The cardinal on the ground looking for seed.

The cardinal hanging out in the trees.

Peach was not even remotely interested in birds.
A nap was more his speed.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow, Snow and More Snow

Okay, a bit of a stretch after having lived in Upstate New York and New England for most of my life, but we have had a couple of storms one after the other in the past week. Today's was about 6 inches so far, with another couple being predicted for tonight into tomorrow. Had to cancel my egg delivery for Chalk Restaurant until later this week, and take yet another day off of work. And because neither I nor my husband has a 4 wheel drive vehicle (other than the Rhino utility vehicle at the farm), we walked to the farm this morning to take care of the chickens. Fran took a couple pictures as we approached the farm, included here for verification of our snowy day.

Heading up the road toward the barn.

Rounding toward the barn, lettuce in hand for the hens.

Once we got the hens all taken care of (that includes their daily lettuce since they are not going out on pasture and several leaves of straw for them to scratch through which keeps them entertained), we did take the Rhino back to the house just in case. It is about 4/10's of a mile walk from the house to the farm, and it was a chilly walk! Had a cup of hot cocoa once we got home, and enjoyed watching the other birds at the feeder. I sure am looking forward to spring.

Lots of cardinals in the trees.